
Angie Arambula

Angie Arambula


Angie loves working at Salt Lake Academy and is grateful to work at such an incredible school.  She is originally from Nebraska but considers Utah her home. She grew up in Sandy and received her Bachelors of Science degree in Sociology and Psychology from the University of Utah.

She loves working with kids of all ages and has either been volunteering or working in schools for the past 17 years. She began her career in education at the elementary level but switched to high school when she joined RSL. She finds working with teenagers extremely rewarding and quite fun...most of the time! There is nothing more fulfilling than to help students succeed and feel more confident. 

She and her husband Chris have been married for 27 years and have lived in Idaho and Montana, but moved back to South Jordan 17 years ago. They have 3 kids and love spending most of their free time watching their kids on the lacrosse field.  It is not uncommon to have a house full of teenagers every weekend and she loves it! She also loves to travel, hiking in the beautiful Utah mountains, cooking, reading and shopping.